Do you love or at least enjoy marketing? Do you read articles, blogs and books about marketing? Do you attend webinars and conferences about marketing? Do you enjoy networking with other marketers? Do you need new and fresh ideas to keep your marketing current? If any of this applies to you, you should join the American Marketing Association (AMA).
Monthly luncheons: The St. Louis Chapter of the AMA sponsors these. They offer current, relevant and interesting topics; speakers who can hold your attention; lively networking conversations and delicious lunch from Maggiano’s Little Italy. (Yesterday we heard from Richard Daniels and Seth Burgett of Yurbuds…the 9th most promising company as noted by Forbes Magazine.)
Free webinars: In the last two weeks, I attended a webinar on SEO and Social Media Marketing to Women. I frequently bring my lunch to work anyway, so I shut my door, log on, listen and learn.
Free virtual conferences: In June I attended the AMA Virtual Conference on Marketing Research. What a jackpot this was! Two of the sessions I attended (basically webinars) were completely relevant to a major initiative I am working on in my current position. These presentations were ‘live conference’ quality with well-established speakers.
I downloaded the slides from one presentation on global consumer trends and presented it to the team of executives working on our branding. This was the kind of secondary research you would pay more than the AMA membership fee, just for that one study.
After one session, we were invited to visit a virtual networking area. The first 60 visitors would receive a free copy of the speaker’s book. A $30 value, for free…more adding to the ROI of my AMA membership fee! (Once I finish the book, you will see me blog about it!)
Free content: At, the official website of the American Marketing Association. White papers, best practices, newsletters, journals, magazines etc.
In just a few short months I feel like I have more than paid for the membership fee through these value-added items above. The new knowledge and content is making me more successful with my work and re-energizing my love of marketing.