Remember going to summer camp as a kid? How it got you away from your regular friends, the same TV shows, the same board games? You spent more time outside, tried things like archery, canoeing, arts and crafts. You made new friends, kept the old, some were silver, the others…gold.
Well, it’s funny, BrandManage Camp had a similar affect but from a marketing perspective. It got me to consider ideas outside the walls of my office, the parameters of my brand, and the idiosyncracies of the MLM industry.
Here are a few of the highlights:
David Meerman Scott, Real-time Marketing and PRThis guy was my favorite. I bought two of his books. It was 100% relevant because of the impact of social media and how easy it is for consumers to get their voices heard…and how easy it is for a brand to ignore their consumers and get thrown under the virtual bus! He suggested you appoint a Chief Real Time Officer, in charge of Now. Love it! Quick example, when Paris Hilton got caught with drugs in Vegas recently, the Wynn hotel followed with a press release banning her from their property (in real time). For the minimal cost of the press release they received over 5,000 hits and press pick ups!
My second favorite fella was
Jeffrey Hayzlett, former CMO of Kodak, seen on Celebrity Apprentice. He gave real-life examples of successes and failures from his days at Kodak. He empowered all marketers in the room to ‘cause tension’…as marketers we are here to be change agents. He shared the Kodak value prop statement:
Only Kodak creates emotional technology that makes it easier to make, manage and move images and information so people can strengthen relationships. Love the higher good, the higher purpose of the brand.
Dr. Neale Martin’s topic was “The Force of Habit: The New World of Consumer Behavior.” Think about it, how many of the items you buy at the grocery store are simply because of habit, not because of brand loyalty. I grew up with Karo syrup on my panny cakes. Mrs. Butterworths may taste better and have a higher percentage of unaided brand awareness blah blah blah. My habit and my choice is Karo.
I love a good marketing conference that gives you new perspectives and re-energizes what could be. Good times.