Monday, April 7, 2014

Southwest, Charmin and Extra Gum: random thoughts

Branded credit cards and loyalty card

In the pic above you can see the Southwest Airlines is the only one that got it right.  Designers need to think about that tiny sliver of the card that peaks out of the slot.  It’s such a pain to deal out all of my cards to find the one I need.  AMEX has a distinctive design, so that helps.  Macy’s peaks out a lil. But it’s one of those little details that reinforce why Southwest is one of my favorite brands!

Speaking of Southwest

Southwest is my first-choice in airlines because of 1) affordable rates 2) on-time, dependable service, 3) excellent customer service and 4) flexible frequent flier program. I had an American Airlines credit card for over twenty years that I recently cancelled and moved to a Southwest card for the miles.  Whether I am travelling for work or personal I check Southwest first.  I wonder how Southwest would quantify that loyalty? And you still get snacks and a birthday card!

Single-ply toilet paper

Do businesses really save that much when they buy the cheap TP? Don’t you use twice as much to accommodate? I hate single-ply! #my-butt-hurts My Charmin brand loyalty dates back to college when I was living on student loans and eating $.10 macaroni and cheese from Aldi.  I would splurge on Charmin.

Crazy flavored gum

Extra has the market on this category with deliciously crazy flavors of apple pie, raspberry vanilla cupcake and lemon square! I am trying to cut back on my sugar intake because I eat way too much! I love all things sweet. From the fancy crème broulet to a World’s Fair donut to Swedish Fish and Hot Tamales!  This gum really helps the cravings. My new discover is “Sour Patch Kids” flavored gum from Stride! Ridiculously awesome! 48 year old, single, white female target market?  Ha! I have disposable income to spend on lots of gum!