Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why don't they make Chex Mix with only the Chex?

Why don’t they make Chex Mix with only the Chex? I don’t really care about the stupid bread twists or pretzels. The melba toast rounds and rye bread things could go too. I usually pick all that out anyway!

I think it was brilliant to pre-package the Chex Mix--went from special occasions to accessible every day. I love the range of savory and sweet flavors. Totally makes sense to turn them into bars too. They have a whole section on their website with other recipes for you to make at home. I made the ‘puppy chow’ for my neighbors. That stuff is addictive!

Excellent growth strategies finding new ways to deliver the same core products of Chex. There are 13 different flavors of Chex Mix, why can’t we make option #14, Traditional flavor, only Chex! Is anyone with me?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

St. Patrick Center

I'm sitting in front of my Christmas tree in my nice warm house judging entries in the "Essays To End Homelessness" through St. Patrick Center. Eighth graders' perspective on what it might be like to be homeless and what we can do to help. The timing around the holidays really makes you think...and not about that new I-phone you want!

Feeling grateful for my life and wanting to do more to help people. St. Patrick Center is an amazing organization that helps people achieve permanent, positive change. They provide job training, counseling on addiction, access to medicine for mental illness and so much more. I was a client for awhile taking advantage of their Go Network for business people in transition. I was laid off in April and fortunate enough to start my new job July 1. You wonder how many people haven't been so fortunate, and what their holiday might be like this year?

So if you find a few extra dollars, this is my 'plug' for St. Patrick Center! You can find them on Facebook, Linked-In, YouTube and Flickr! They have their marketing and social networking act together!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Which stall do you use?

So I’ve been at my new job for 6 months. Today, for the first time, I used the handicapped stall. I had to change into my work-out clothes and wanted the extra room. I started thinking about how I always use the second stall. How we are creatures of habit. And the challenge for marketers to either make their product our habit and build brand loyalty, or to compete with our habit, ‘break through the clutter’ and get us to try something new. (you never know where inspiration may hit!)

Imagine each stall represents a restaurant or a store and you are handling the marketing, how do you get my ‘business?’ (pun intended) I’m in the neighborhood several times a day but, out of habit, always seem to patronize the same place and drive right by yours. Think about it. How many times do you go out for lunch or dinner each week and how do you decide where to go? (Every Thursday we go to Thai Sawadee.) But sometimes isn’t it a pain? Don’t you want someone to decide for you? I’d love to follow my neighborhood restaurants on Twitter. Tweet the chicken and dumpling special and I’m there!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jersey Shore and Cadillac Ink

So I’m a big reality TV fan. I couldn’t resist what I was hearing about Jersey Shore so I DVR’d a few episodes. It’s crazy! Guido’s and Guidettes—I wonder how long it will be until those words are added to the dictionary. Are you kidding me? I know ‘there’s room for everyone’ but they are so loud!

One of the fellas, Pauly D, has a giant Cadillac tattoo running down his very muscular side. Of course he drives a Caddie too. From a marketers’ perspective, this is crazy brand loyalty! I wonder what the Cadillac brand managers think! Is this good exposure? Maybe they are targeting the Guido’s! I wonder if there is a Prism cluster code for Guido’s?!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Celebrity guerilla marketing and social media

Did you hear that Demi Moore has a new perfume out? It just launched, it’s called “Wanted.” The only reason I know this is because I follow both Mr. and Mrs. Kucher on Twitter. He has over 4 million followers, she has over 2 million. They are fun to follow as I try to understand how people use Twitter and what might make sense from a business and marketing perspective. Take a look at this video where the hip, happy couple visit Macy’s in New York.

I love the song, the video and the guerilla marketing style approach to the Wanted stickers and the two of them causing a stir in a busy New York Macy’s store. Combine that with their use of social media with their tweets linking you to the video on YouTube. It’s creative, fun, imaginative and cheap! What a great strategy for a brand go ‘behind the scenes,’ get to know you, have fun and maybe sell something at the same time.

In our social media work session with Jen Fong, she mentioned that “people buy from people, not companies.” Using Twitter, Facebook etc. are simple ways to connect the people behind your brand to the people experiencing your brand. It’s like the extra footage on a DVD that makes you love the movie even more!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Random thought #1

Fresh from the DSA’s (Direct Selling Association) Social Media Seminar, my mind is a little overwhelmed with all the options and technology. Especially blogging. Why does anyone care about what I have to say? We’ll see. So consider this my “toe in the water” of the blogosphere.

It’s funny. I think my mom has been practicing social networking her whole life—just without the technology. She can go to the freezer section of the grocery store or a cruise in Alaska and meet someone who went to her high school. The first time I went to her favorite used bookstore, I introduced myself as her daughter. The owner asked if I was the one who worked on a cruise ship or the one with three kids. Classic Coco! (cruise ship)

But isn’t that what it’s all about? Connecting with people, finding common interests, sharing our stories with the help from technology? Like Funfetti cake or the cheesy biscuits at Red Lobster. I’m fans of both on Face Book! I follow Suze Orman on Twitter. Did you know she loves Taco Bell? Funny, surprising and kinda cool! Have you seen that skateboarding dog on You Tube? He is awesome! You can tell how happy he is on his skateboard and how much he loves it. We love it too! Over 9.7 million views! He’s been on Oprah and now he’s in a commercial, but I can’t remember who the ad is for. Bummer for that ad agency and client!

So I love food, pop culture, animals and marketing. This blog will be a little mix of all of that.
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