So I’ve been at my new job for 6 months. Today, for the first time, I used the handicapped stall. I had to change into my work-out clothes and wanted the extra room. I started thinking about how I always use the second stall. How we are creatures of habit. And the challenge for marketers to either make their product our habit and build brand loyalty, or to compete with our habit, ‘break through the clutter’ and get us to try something new. (you never know where inspiration may hit!)
Imagine each stall represents a restaurant or a store and you are handling the marketing, how do you get my ‘business?’ (pun intended) I’m in the neighborhood several times a day but, out of habit, always seem to patronize the same place and drive right by yours. Think about it. How many times do you go out for lunch or dinner each week and how do you decide where to go? (Every Thursday we go to Thai Sawadee.) But sometimes isn’t it a pain? Don’t you want someone to decide for you? I’d love to follow my neighborhood restaurants on Twitter. Tweet the chicken and dumpling special and I’m there!
btw, this photo is not my work restroom. just something I found online.