I had an unusually eclectic mix of social activities on Saturday. My kickball team managed to win both of our games this weekend. Actually these were our first two wins ever. Last year we had a perfect season…all losses. So needless to say we were thrilled!
For lunch I walked from my home to Cherokee Street with several friends. There was a street festival celebrating Cinqo de Mayo. They had authentic Mexican food (photo above), music and dancing. If anyone in St. Louis thinks they like El Maguey, Arcelia’s, or Chimchanga’s, you will love love love the Mexican restaurants on Cherokee. Run don’t walk.
Saturday night was spent watching the M-80’s take on the the Smashinistas in St. Louis’ first all female flat track derby league the Arch Rivals. http://www.archrivalrollergirls.com/ Campy, family fun for only $10 to watch Downtown Dallas and Ana Warpath battle it out to be lead jammer.
So how in the world did I find out about these events? Word of Mouth (WOM): I saw Seth Godin speak on this at a marketing conference a few years ago. He talked about how powerful it can be to drive your business, but how it’s difficult for a brand to generate. It has to be authentic. My Saturday schedule is a perfect example of how WOM captured both some of my discretionary income and time.
A friend invited me to play in the kick ball league using an old fashioned method of a verbal conversation, using complete words and sentences in a live, face-to-face conversation! I found the street festival in my Facebook Newsfeed when one of my FB Friends “liked” it. A friend invited me to the roller derby using the FB messaging function. Technology or not, WOM captured my dollars. Pretty cool.
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