And not just because bags fly free. I rarely check luggage. I love everything about their customer experience, how marketing supports it and how their employees deliver it.
For my vacation to Orlando I booked my air on their website. A few days later I received an e-mail about my upcoming trip with suggestions to book a hotel, rental car or park tickets. How polite and helpful! The offer on the car included 4X points so I booked it. A few days before my trip I received an e-mail promoting their early bird check-in for $10 each way. I booked it. Two timely and relevant e-mails and I converted on both…over $200 in additional revenue from two e-mails that cost pennies.
I can’t imagine how long it took IT and Marketing to integrate the reservation system with the CRM program but it was well worth it. I wonder if everyone in the offices wears khakis and tennis shoes too.
The employees at the gate and on the plane were, as usual, super friendly, helpful and upbeat. Of course the flight was filled with families with young children heading to Disney World; infrequent fliers who don’t know to check-in early on-line, who over pack so their carry-ons are huge and they want their group of 4-6 to all be seated together as they board in Group C. But somehow, through the help of the employees and through their friendly instructional announcements, everyone gets seated and we depart from the gate early!
Of course you have to love the free in-flight snacks. Then when we get to the gate, the captain sings a song. HUH-larious. The bags quickly show up at the correct carousel. (Are you picturing the baggage guys with the “bags fly free” letters painted on their stomachs like football fans? LUV it!)
Awesome customer experience all around.
PS photo from the Southwest Facebook Fan page submitted by Susan Norris Smith. “Even Mr. Bubble flys Southwest Airlines.”
And I just received a Thank You e-mail from them with the subject line of Welcom Home! How cool is that?