Last night the St. Louis chapter of the American Marketing Association held a speed networking event. In a little over an hour I met about 30 people, roughly half of which were in transition. Having been in their position a year and a half ago, I want to help them in any way I can. I actually enjoy networking. I love meeting new people, hearing about their background, company, expertise and their own story.
My first question to a professional in transition is “What do you want to do?” You would be surprised how many people don’t have a clear answer and are in the grey area of “I’m not really sure” which translates to the helpless feeling of “I just want a job.” Not to discount the frightening feeling of being unemployed, but just because you are in transition, doesn’t mean you have to settle and just find a job…this can be an opportunity for you to find the job doing what you really, really want to do.
My advice is to take the time to do your own introspection…and really think about what your ideal professional position would be. Write it down. This is a huge opportunity. Describe your ideal industry, company, culture, boss, colleagues, team, position, responsibilities, location, salary etc. What do you want? This may be the opportunity for you to finally get it. Why not?
So you get to a networking event and meet someone like me who really wants to help you, now what. When you describe your ideal job, I will do my best to connect you with people in my network at the companies on your list, or with people who work in your target industry, or who have the kind of position you are seeking. That’s a much more efficient use of your networking time, getting you closer to your ideal position.
You don’t have to settle but you do have to know what you want. And I want to help you get it.
Note: I am a board member of the St. Louis Chapter of the AMA. I highly recommend joining. You will meet smart, connected people and have access to exclusive content (webinars, virtual conferences, white papers) via the national AMA website marketingpower.com. Well worth the investment. Our next luncheon event is September 16 at Maggiano's by the Galleria. See you there.
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