Thanks to my DVR I only watch commercials by choice. I rarely watch live TV so I always ff through. So, recently I’m ff-ing through Top Chef and a commercial actually catches my attention. I rewind and watch this commercial twice. It’s stunning. This photo was taken on my Blackberry of the TV.
It’s so refreshing to see a company invest in something high-end and truly artistic. The flowing images of the milky white liquid, the streams of color that morph into a person, the drops of color that evolve into a ballerina and eventually the flavor of the yogurt…stunning.
Marketers talk about “breaking through the clutter.” Fage has done this by taking the high road and appealing to the viewer’s aesthetic. The quality of this commercial is that of comtemporary art you might see in a gallery. I’m going to assume the quality of the product, the taste and texture of this “total authentic Greek yogurt” is going to be much more appealing than those I’ve tried and discarded without finishing in the past.
I will be buying my first samples of Fage Greek Yogurt this weekend.
My Schnucks did not carry FAGE! :( Will try Trader Joes's or Dierbergs this weekend...