Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pinterest 'liked' my pin!

I didn’t even know that the Pinterest brand engaged with the content like this. I can’t tell you how giddy I was when I received the e-mail notification that Pinterest ‘liked’ my pin!

I’ve only been on Pinterest for a couple of months. I haven’t pinned many things but I really enjoy just scrolling through to see what other people have pinned.

A friend of mine is doing a hike to raise money for breast cancer. I wanted to help promote her web page where you can make an online donation. She has a great photo from the last time she did the hike so I thought it would be cool to ‘pin’ her. Within minutes a stranger re-pinned the photo and Pinterest ‘liked’ it! How cool!

I’ve already completed a Pinterest-inspired craft project, two new recipes and found several cool new blogs to read. I highly recommend Pinterest. Just play!

and PS, if you want to make a donation, click on Jane's photo above. Thanks!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Who buys perfume on HSN?

Well…apparently I do. It’s hard to explain. I’m not a big infomercial shopper and I’ve never purchased anything off HSN. Well…until last Friday.

It’s so random. I came home from an early dinner and started flipping through the channels. This was strange way to start the night because I rarely watch live TV. There’s always something good in my DVR.

I flip to HSN and Kate Walsh is on promoting her perfume. I’m a big fan of hers. Loved her on Grey’s Anatomy, I follow her on Twitter and Facebook and her video blogs are really funny. Why would any of this make me think she knows anything about perfume? I don’t know but apparently she was very convincing.

She was so excited about all the notes and the high quality ingredients and how she didn’t just put her name on a perfume she started her own company and how the bottles are like little pieces of art and how it was such a great deal since it came with a little roller-ball, pressure-point applicator bottle thingy and free shipping!

So I bought a new perfume without trying it on or even smelling it. It’s called Billionaire Boyfriend which, if you know me, is even funnier that I bought it!

And yes it smells great! No buyer's remorse.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How did you hear Whitney Houston was dead?

Crazy world we live in where a guy on Twitter (@chilemasgrande) who has only tweeted 50 times and only has 161 followers is getting credit (via for breaking the news about Whitney Houston's death.

A later report says that @AjaDiorNavy tweeted earlier "omgg , my aunt tiffany who work for whitney houston just found whitney houston dead in the tub . such ashame & sad :-(" She's tweeted almost 9,000 times and has roughly 700 followers.

I know a lot of people who aren't on Twitter and never plan to be. They're not on FourSquare, Yelp or Google + either. The gap just keeps getting wider. Makes marketing more interesting. My parents are a perfect example. My dad has never used a computer. My mom still has dial up. Neither have a smart phone. They still read every page of the paper newspaper. Lots of brands should be targeting them but not via social media. (They found out on TV.)

ps I found out from my waiter at dinner. His name was Holden. He wasn't named after Holden Caulfield. He was named after a soap opera character.